Folklore S2: Ayizah, Ayizah
Bradley Liew, 2022

Aziyah is a young housekeeper working tirelessly for a wealthy family to provide for her sick father. She discovers that her employer, Mr. Zul, secretly owns a supernatural called the Hantu Raya with the ability to shapeshift. Soon, Aziyah begins to be seduced by the creature's promise of power and wealth.
HBO Folklore Season 2: Ayizah, Ayizah
Starring: Sara Ali, Remy Ishak, Sharifah Sakinah & Mia Sabrina Mahadir.
Written and Directed by Bradley Liew. Written by Dodo Dayao. Cinematography by Saifuddin Musa.
Producing Partners: Zhao Wei Films Singapore, HBO
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